
О знаменитости

Роберт Шехтер: биография

43. I. O. Kulik, M V Moskalets, R. I. Shekhter, I K Yanson: Spectroscopy of Electron-Phonon Interaction in Point Contacts with a Barrier Layer, JETP Lett. 49, N1, 50, (1989).

44. L. I. Glazman and R. I. Shekhter: Coulomb Oscillations of the Conductance in Laterally Confined Heterostructures, J. Phys. Cond. Matter, 1, (1989).

45. Yu. A. Kolesnichenko and R. I. Shekhter: Transverse Focusing Spectroscopy of Bose Excitations at Metal Boundary, Sov. J . Low Temp. Phys. 15, N9, 530, (1989).

46. I. F. Itskovich and R. I. Shekhter: On the Linear Temperature Dependence of Resistivity in a System with Localized and Delocalized Electrons, Sov. J. Low Temp Phys. 15, N11, 627, (1989).

47. M. V. Moskalets,and R. I. Shekhter: Nonlinear Electrical Conductivity and Spectroscopy of Electron-Phonon Ifnteraction in Tunnel Point Contacts, Sov. J . Low Temp. Phys. 16, N2, 108-116, (1990).

48. Yu. A. Kolesnichenko and R. I. Shekhter: Inelastic Surface Scattering of Electrons in Microcontacts, Sov. Phys.Surface Sci., (1990).

49. Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, M. V. Moskalets, R. I. Shekhter: Nonlinear Electric Conductivity of a Microjunction Containing a Plane Defect, Sov. Phys. JETP, 71, (1990).

50. R. I. Shekhter, J. Wan, K. McGreer, L. I. Glazman and A. Goldman: Two-State Approximation in the Coulomb-Blockade Theory; Simple Analytical Results for a Double-Tunnel Junction, Phys. Rev.B43, 9381 (1991).

51. R. Shekhter, G. Wendin, and I. O. Kulik: Transport of Local Pairs in Metallic Oxides: Calculation of Frequency and Temperature Dependence of the Conductivity, Phys. Rev. B44, 215 (1991).

52. R. I. Shekhter, Z. Crljen and G. Wendin: Optical spectroscopy of localized states in metallic oxides , Physica Scripta 42,76 (1992).

53. M. Hurd, R. I. Shekhter, and G. Wendin: Single-Electron Tunneling into Randomly Distributed Double-electron States; Linear Voltage and Temperature Dependencies of the Conductance of High-Tc Tunnel Junctions, Phys. Rev. B46, 8527 (1992).

54. V. Shumeiko, L. Jцnsson, R. I. Shekhter, G. Wendin: Infrared threshold Absorption in Strongly Correlated two-band Superconductors, Physica Scripta T42, 83 (1992).

55. R. I. Shekhter, A. M. Zagoskin and G. Wendin: Oxygen Diffusion and Dynamical Disorder in High - Tc Superconductors; Low Frequency Noise in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions, Z. Phys. B91, 277 (1993).

56. K. A. Matveev, M. Gisselfдlt, L. I. Glazman, M. Jonson, and R. I. Shekhter: Parity-induced suppression of the Coulomb blockade of Josephson tunneling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2940 (1993).

57. F. W. J. Hekking, L. I. Glazman, K. A. Matveev and R. I. Shekhter: Coulomb Blockade of Two-Electron Tunneling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 4138 (1993).

58. I. E. Aronov, I. V. Krive, R. I. Shekhter, and M. Jonson: Resonant conductance - oscillations of a mesoscopic ring in a high frequency electromagnetic field, Low Temp. Physics (Letter) 19, 668 (1993) [Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 19, 939 (1993)].

59. E. N. Bogacheck, M. Jonson, R. I. Shekhter, and T. Swahn: Magnetic flux - induced conductance steps in microwires, Phys. Rev. (RC) B47, 16635 (1993).

60. I. E. Aronov, E.N. Bogachek, A. Grincwajg, M. Jonson, and R. I. Shekhter: Microwave - induced oscillations in the conductance of a mesoscopic ring, Solid State Commun. 91, 75 (1994).

61. A. Grincwajg, M. Jonson and R. I. Shekhter: Optical absorption in a two - dimensional quantum point contact, Phys. Rev. B49, 7557 (1994).

62. M.Jonson and R. I. Shekhter: Mesoskopisk fysik, Kosmos, pages 21-36 (1994).

63. U. Hanke, M. Gisselfдlt, Yu. Galperin, M. Jonson, R. I. Shekhter, and K. A. Chao: Parity - controlled Coulomb blockade effects identified by shot noise, Phys. Rev. B50, 1953 (1994).

64. A. Zagoskin and R. I. Shekhter: Nonlinear transport in a quantum point contact due to soft-disorder-induced coherent mode mixing, Phys. Rev. B50, 4909 (1994).

65. T. Swahn, E. N. Bogacheck, Yu. M. Galperin, M. Jonson, and R. I. Shekhter: Non-equilibrium magnetization in a ballistic quantum dot, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 162 (1994).



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