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Доктор Нильс Элдридж: биография

Доктор Нильс Элдридж биография, фото, истории - известный американский палеонтолог
День рождения 25 августа 1943

известный американский палеонтолог


  • Cracraft, J. and N. Eldredge (eds.) 1979. Phylogenetic Analysis and Palaeontology. Columbia University Press, New York
  • Eldredge, N. and J. Cracraft. 1980. Phylogenetic Patterns and the Evolutionary Process. Method and Theory in Comparative Biology. Columbia University Press, New York, 349 p. Japanese edition, Soju Shobo, 1990
  • Eldredge, N. 1982. The Monkey Business. A Scientist Looks at Creationism. Pocket Books, New York. 157 p. Japanese edition, 1992
  • Eldredge, N. and I. Tattersall. 1982. The Myths of Human Evolution. Columbia University Press, New York. 197 p. Japanese edition arranged through Columbia U. Press.; Spanish edition 1986: Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico; Portuguese ed.: 1984, Zahar Editores, Rio de Janeiro; Italian ed., 1984: Boringheri
  • Eldredge, N. and S. M. Stanley (eds.). 1984. Living Fossils. Springer Verlag, New York.
  • Eldredge, N. 1985. Time Frames. Simon and Schuster, New York. 240 pp. Great Britain: Heilman; Princeton University reprint edition. Italian edition, 1991, hopefulmonster editore
  • Eldredge, N. 1985. Unfinished Synthesis. Biological Hierarchies and Modern Evolutionary Thought. Oxford University Press, New York
  • Eldredge, N. 1987. Life Pulse. Episodes in the History of Life. Facts on File, New York. Pelican edition (Great Britain)
  • Eldredge, N. (ed.). 1987. Natural History Reader on Evolution. Columbia University Press, New York
  • Eldredge, N. 1989. Macroevolutionary Dynamics: Species, Niches and Adaptive Peaks. McGraw Hill, New York. Japanese edition: McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Japan, Ltd.
  • Eldredge, N., D. Eldredge and G. Eldredge. 1989. The Fossil Factory. Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Massachusetts
  • Eldredge, N. 1991. The Miner’s Canary. Extinctions Past and Present. Prentice Hall Books, New York; English edition: Virgin Publishing, Ltd.; Korean edition: Moeum Publishers; Italian edition: Sperling and Kupfer. German Edition: Spektrum; U.S. paperback edition: Princeton University Press
  • Eldredge, N. 1991. Fossils. The Evolution and Extinction of Species. Photographs by Murray Alcosser. Abrams, New York; Australian edition: Houghton Mifflin; English edition: Aurum Press; German edition: Belser Verlag
  • Eldredge, N. (ed.). 1992. Systematics, Ecology and the Biodiversity Crisis. Columbia University Press, New York
  • Eldredge, N. and M. Grene. 1992. Interactions. The Biological Context of Social Systems. Columbia University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Eldredge, N. 1995. Reinventing Darwin. The Great Debate at the High Table of Evolutionary Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York; English edition: Orion; Italian edition: Einaudi Editore
  • Eldredge, N. 1995. Dominion. Henry Holt and Co; paperback edition, University of California Press, 1997
  • Eldredge, N. 1998. Life in the Balance. Humanity and the Biodiversity Crisis. Princeton University Press. Portugal: Dinalivre; China/Taiwan: International Publishing Co.; Poland: Proscynski; Japan: Seidosha; Spain: TusQuets; Italy: Guilo Einaudi Editore
  • Eldredge, N. 1999. The Pattern of Evolution. W. H. Freeman and Co., New York
  • Eldredge, N. 2000. The Triumph of Evolution…And the Failure of Creationism. W.H. Freeman and Co., New York
  • Eldredge, N. (ed.). 2002. Life on Earth. An Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, California
  • Eldredge, N. 2004. Why We Do It. Rethinking Sex and the Selfish Gene. W.W. Norton, New York
  • Eldredge, N. 2005. Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life. W.W. Norton, New York


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