
О знаменитости

Майкл Стюарт Браун: биография

Майкл Стюарт Браун биография, фото, истории - известный американский врач и биохимик
День рождения 13 апреля 1941

известный американский врач и биохимик


Майкл Браун закончил Университет Пенсильвании в 1962 и медицинскую школу этого же университета в 1966. С тех пор работает в Юго-Западном медицинском центре (Университет Техаса) в области метаболизма холестерина. Автор множества статей в ведущих мировых биологических и медицинских журналах. В 1985 году получил Нобелевскую премию за открытие рецептора липопротеинов низкой плотности.


Основные научные публикации:

Expression of the familial hypercholesterolemia gene in heterozygotes: mechanism for a dominant disorder in man. Science. 1974 Jul 5;185(4145):61-3.

Regulation of the activity of the low density lipoprotein receptor in human fibroblasts. Cell. 1975 Nov;6(3):307-16.

Release of low density lipoprotein from its cell surface receptor by sulfated glycosaminoglycans. Cell. 1976 Jan;7(1):85-95.

Receptor-mediated control of cholesterol metabolism. Science. 1976 Jan 16;191(4223):150-4.

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: failure of normal allele to compensate for mutant allele at a regulated genetic locus. Cell. 1976 Oct;9(2):195-203.

Analysis of a mutant strain of human fibroblasts with a defect in the internalization of receptor-bound low density lipoprotein. Cell. 1976 Dec;9(4 PT 2):663-74.

Role of the coated endocytic vesicle in the uptake of receptor-bound low density lipoprotein in human fibroblasts. Cell. 1977 Mar;10(3):351-64.

Genetics of the LDL receptor: evidence that the mutations affecting binding and internalization are allelic. Cell. 1977 Nov;12(3):629-41.

A mutation that impairs the ability of lipoprotein receptors to localise in coated pits on the cell surface of human fibroblasts. Nature. 1977 Dec 22-29;270(5639):695-9.

Immunocytochemical visualization of coated pits and vesicles in human fibroblasts: relation to low density lipoprotein receptor distribution. Cell. 1978 Nov;15(3):919-33.

Coated pits, coated vesicles, and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Nature. 1979 Jun 21;279(5715):679-85

LDL receptors in coated vesicles isolated from bovine adrenal cortex: binding sites unmasked by detergent treatment. Cell. 1980 Jul;20(3):829-37.

Regulation of plasma cholesterol by lipoprotein receptors. Science. 1981 May 8;212(4495):628-35.

Monensin interrupts the recycling of low density lipoprotein receptors in human fibroblasts. Cell. 1981 May;24(2):493-502.

Posttranslational processing of the LDL receptor and its genetic disruption in familial hypercholesterolemia. Cell. 1982 Oct;30(3):715-24

Independent pathways for secretion of cholesterol and apolipoprotein E by macrophages. Science. 1983 Feb 18;219(4586):871-3.

Recycling receptors: the round-trip itinerary of migrant membrane proteins. Cell. 1983 Mar;32(3):663-7

The LDL receptor locus in familial hypercholesterolemia: multiple mutations disrupt transport and processing of a membrane receptor. Cell. 1983 Mar;32(3):941-51.

Depletion of intracellular potassium arrests coated pit formation and receptor-mediated endocytosis in fibroblasts. Cell. 1983 May;33(1):273-85

Increase in membrane cholesterol: a possible trigger for degradation of HMG CoA reductase and crystalloid endoplasmic reticulum in UT-1 cells. Cell. 1984 Apr;36(4):835-45.

Nucleotide sequence of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase, a glycoprotein of endoplasmic reticulum. Nature. 1984 Apr 12-18;308(5960):613-7.

Domain map of the LDL receptor: sequence homology with the epidermal growth factor precursor. Cell. 1984 Jun;37(2):577-85.

HMG CoA reductase: a negatively regulated gene with unusual promoter and 5' untranslated regions. Cell. 1984 Aug;38(1):275-85.

The human LDL receptor: a cysteine-rich protein with multiple Alu sequences in its mRNA. Cell. 1984 Nov;39(1):27-38

Mutation in LDL receptor: Alu-Alu recombination deletes exons encoding transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Science. 1985 Jan 11;227(4683):140-6.

The LDL receptor gene: a mosaic of exons shared with different proteins. Science. 1985 May 17;228(4701):815-22.


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