
О знаменитости

Майкл Стюарт Браун: биография

Cassette of eight exons shared by genes for LDL receptor and EGF precursor. Science. 1985 May 17;228(4701):893-895

Membrane-bound domain of HMG CoA reductase is required for sterol-enhanced degradation of the enzyme. Cell. 1985 May;41(1):249-58.

Internalization-defective LDL receptors produced by genes with nonsense and frameshift mutations that truncate the cytoplasmic domain. Cell. 1985 Jul;41(3):735-43.

5' end of HMG CoA reductase gene contains sequences responsible for cholesterol-mediated inhibition of transcription. Cell. 1985 Aug;42(1):203-12.

Scavenger cell receptor shared. Nature. 1985 Aug 22-28;316(6030):680-1.

A receptor-mediated pathway for cholesterol homeostasis. Science. 1986 Apr 4;232(4746):34-47.

The J.D. mutation in familial hypercholesterolemia: amino acid substitution in cytoplasmic domain impedes internalization of LDL receptors Cell. 1986 Apr 11;45(1):15-24.

Deletion in cysteine-rich region of LDL receptor impedes transport to cell surface in WHHL rabbit. Science. 1986 Jun 6;232(4755):1230-7.

Duplication of seven exons in LDL receptor gene caused by Alu-Alu recombination in a subject with familial hypercholesterolemia. Cell. 1987 Mar 13;48(5):827-35.

42 bp element from LDL receptor gene confers end-product repression by sterols when inserted into viral TK promoter. Cell. 1987 Mar 27;48(6):1061-9.

Acid-dependent ligand dissociation and recycling of LDL receptor mediated by growth factor homology region. Nature. 1987 Apr 23-29;326(6115):760-765

Overexpression of low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor eliminates LDL from plasma in transgenic mice. Science. 1988 Mar 11;239(4845):1277-81.

Inhibition of purified p21ras farnesyl:protein transferase by Cys-AAX tetrapeptides. Cell. 1990 Jul 13;62(1):81-8.

Diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in mice: prevention by overexpression of LDL receptors. Science. 1990 Nov 30;250(4985):1273-5

Protein farnesyltransferase and geranylgeranyltransferase share a common alpha subunit. Cell. 1991 May 3;65(3):429-34.

cDNA cloning and expression of the peptide-binding beta subunit of rat p21ras farnesyltransferase, the counterpart of yeast DPR1/RAM1. Cell. 1991 Jul 26;66(2):327-34.

Purification of component A of Rab geranylgeranyl transferase: possible identity with the choroideremia gene product. Cell. 1992 Sep 18;70(6):1049-57.

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cDNA cloning of component A of Rab geranylgeranyl transferase and demonstration of its role as a Rab escort protein. Cell. 1993 Jun 18;73(6):1091-9

SREBP-1, a basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper protein that controls transcription of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene. Cell. 1993 Oct 8;75(1):187-97.

Molecular characterization of a membrane transporter for lactate, pyruvate, and other monocarboxylates: implications for the Cori cycle. Cell. 1994 Mar 11;76(5):865-73.

SREBP-1, a membrane-bound transcription factor released by sterol-regulated proteolysis. Cell. 1994 Apr 8;77(1):53-62

Sterol-regulated release of SREBP-2 from cell membranes requires two sequential cleavages, one within a transmembrane segment. Cell. 1996 Jun 28;85(7):1037-46

Sterol resistance in CHO cells traced to point mutation in SREBP cleavage-activating protein. Cell. 1996 Nov 1;87(3):415-26.

The SREBP pathway: regulation of cholesterol metabolism by proteolysis of a membrane-bound transcription factor. Cell. 1997 May 2;89(3):331-40.

Transport-dependent proteolysis of SREBP: relocation of site-1 protease from Golgi to ER obviates the need for SREBP transport to Golgi. Cell. 1999 Dec 23;99(7):703-12.

Regulated intramembrane proteolysis: a control mechanism conserved from bacteria to humans. Cell. 2000 Feb 18;100(4):391-8.

Regulated step in cholesterol feedback localized to budding of SCAP from ER membranes. Cell. 2000 Aug 4;102(3):315-23.

Crucial step in cholesterol homeostasis: sterols promote binding of SCAP to INSIG-1, a membrane protein that facilitates retention of SREBPs in ER. Cell. 2002 Aug 23;110(4):489-500.



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