
О знаменитости

Джон Дэвисон Рокфеллер: биография

Однако учёба приносила Рокфеллеру истинное удовольствие. Он начинал рабочий день в 6:30 утра, а заканчивал уже позднее 10 вечера. Учёба в Hewitt and Tuttle многое дала будущему нефтяному магнату. Джон Рокфеллер, в целом, достаточно быстро смог зарекомендовать себя, как грамотный профессионал. И как только управляющий компании Hewitt and Tuttle покинул свой пост, на его место сразу же назначили Джона. Правда, при этом ему установили жалованье в 600 долларов. Это сильно обидело Рокфеллера, так как его предшественник получал 2000. Джон покинул компанию. Это была его первая и последняя работа по найму.

Как раз в это время английский предприниматель Джон Морис Кларк искал компаньона с капиталом в 2000$ для создания совместного дела. На тот момент у Рокфеллера было скоплено 800$, недостающую сумму он занимает у отца под 10 % годовых, и 27 апреля 1857 года становится младшим партнёром «Кларк и Рочестер». Торговый дом «Кларк и Рочестер» торговал сеном, зерном, мясом и другими товарами.

Рокфеллеру повезло — южные штаты объявили о выходе из Союза и началась гражданская война. Федеральному правительству потребовались сотни тысяч мундиров и винтовок, миллионы патронов, тонны мяса, сахара, табака и галет. Стартового капитала в 4000$ не хватало, чтобы выполнить эти заказы, необходим был кредит. Однако фирма была молодая, и банки предпочитали не рисковать. Рокфеллер взял на себя необходимость договориться с банком, но был уверен на 90 % в отказе. Джон всё равно пришёл к директору банка и откровенно, ни о чём не утаивая, рассказал в чём дело. Искренность коммерсанта произвела впечатление на директора банка, и тот согласился дать кредит.

В итоге Рокфеллер сделал неплохие деньги и мог позволить себе обзавестись семьёй. Он женился на Лоре Селестине Спелман, с которой познакомился, ещё будучи студентом. Набожная, как и её муж, учительница Лора Спелман вместе с тем обладала практическим складом ума. Рокфеллер как-то заметил: «Без её советов я бы так и остался бедняком».

Через какое-то время Рокфеллер наткнулся на настоящую золотую жилу: вечером во всех домах, от дворцов Вандербильтов и Карнеги до лачуг китайских эмигрантов, загорались керосиновые лампы, а керосин, как известно, делают из нефти. Компаньон Рокфеллера Морис Кларк говорил: «Джон верил только в две вещи на земле — в баптистское вероучение и нефть».

В 1870 году году Джон Рокфеллер знакомится с химиком Эндрюс, который рассказывает тому про керосин. Так была основана компания Standard Oil. Рокфеллер занялся поисками нефти. В начале своей деятельности будущий миллиардер заметил, что весь нефтяной бизнес представляет собой какую-то сумбурную машину. Он понимал, что, только наведя порядок в работе, можно будет думать о каком-то коммерческом успехе. Этим он и занялся с партнером. Для начала был создан устав фирмы. Для того чтобы мотивировать сотрудников Рокфеллер на первых порах решил отказаться от заработной платы, премируя их акциями. Он считал, что благодаря этому они будут активнее работать, ведь будут считать себя частью компании. Да и их конечный доход будет зависеть от успешности бизнеса.

Бизнес стал приносить доходы, а Рокфеллер стал постепенно скупать другие нефтяные фирмы. По одному, небольшие предприятия, которые не могли стоить слишком дорого. Такая стратегия не нравилась многим американцам. Рокфеллер договаривался с железнодорожными компаниями о регулировании транспортных цен, таким образом «Стандарт ойл» получила более низкие цены, чем у конкурентов: за перевозку бочки нефти она платила 10 центов, тогда как конкуренты — 35 центов, причем разница в 25 центов с каждой бочки шла в карман Рокфеллеру. Конкуренты не могли ему противостоять, Рокфеллер поставил их перед выбором: объединение с ним, либо разорение. Большинство из них предпочло войти в состав «Стандарт ойл» в обмен на долю акций.

Как бы там ни было, а уже к 1880 году, благодаря многочисленным мелким и средним слияниям в руках Рокфеллера оказалось 95 % нефтедобычи Америки. Став монополистом, он поступил по правилу «монополисту легче поднять цены, чем увеличить продажи». Standard Oil становится в это время крупнейшей компанией в мире. Правда, ненадолго. Уже через 10 лет выйдет знаменитый закон Шермана против монополий. Рокфеллер отреагирует на него, разбив Standard Oil на 34 мелких компании (во всех у него будет контрольный пакет акций). Благодаря этому закону Джон Рокфеллер становится ещё богаче, чем прежде. Кстати, стоит заметить, что почти все текущие крупные нефтяные компании пошли именно от Standard Oil. Например, это можно сказать про таких гигантов, как Mobil, Exxon, Chevron и других.



Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:41:59

• I Polina Fedotova expressed sympathy: "Hello, dear Tatiana, what you write, really scary. Even while studying to be a lawyer, I had no idea that the lawlessness of the authorities in our country has reached such monstrous proportions! Hearing the cry of your soul, I suddenly clearly understood that I do not need more brilliant legal career, nor glory of a great lawyer or judicial robe... my Only goal is now that as much to prevent Impunity for the feast man - eating demons in my house and turning that house into the jungle, Where survival of the most frenzied. I am infinitely annoyed, and sorry that I'm only a freshman law student and of course, while you are absolutely useless. But please answer, why did you write here and not directly to the head of state and guarantor of the Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation?!".

Tatiana 10:12
• I write to President Vladimir Putin as the guarantor of the Constitution, but I am more than sure that my letters do not reach, and subordinates are held by others. Why the old facilities? 7 people live in 28 square meters in this apartment is stolen. Organized crime groups in the city of Surgut will come in the night, we'll all be killed, the corpses dismembered and undermine under the graves in the old cemetery. No one will look for. Rich people in uniform protect the bandits. It was stolen from my family that I asked to return, nor to what extent are not comparable with those tons of money that found Dmitry Zakharchenko. How to stop the cannibals? I do not know. I beg You, hear the pain of my heart and HELP save my family from poverty, in which we deliberately "lowered" organized criminal group in Surgut, KHMAO. Momot Tetiana. the city of Surgut.
Help my family, I an old women, do not work and I want to save my family.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:41:16

All this leads to the idea of guns in Surgut and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous criminal gang of enemies of the Russian people (organized crime). It is necessary to stop these criminal actions, the flow of violence and abuse of honest and law-abiding citizens and young children who have not only the wicked take away the property, power and health, but also criminally violate their fundamental rights to freedom of conscience, freedom of expression and peaceful life. This is completely contrary not only to articles of the Basic Law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation or the Russian Criminal Code, but in General the most elementary norms and rules of the human community. Crimes against property should be suppressed by Law. Criminals and robbers must be condemned and brought to justice. They should be relying their illegal acts of punishment. Russia is the guarantor of and respect for laws and order on the territory of the city of Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk. Robbed the people of the city of Surgut and Khanty, as well as the public UGRA expect from officials and security forces, judges and prosecutors urgent action on illicit and illegal activities of the Federal bailiff service of the city of Surgut and Khanty-Mansyisk, if in the District there is at least some power. Save my family from lawlessness. Provide small financial support. Sincerely, a mother and grandmother, a pensioner, veteran of labor, awarded the medal "For long, conscientious work", Momot Tetiana. the city of Surgut.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:39:50

It is necessary to investigate egregious violations of the Constitution and articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in Surgut and Khanty-Mansyisk, accompanied by a gross violation of fundamental rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens and young children. In the cities of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district government officials, law enforcement agencies and administrations of these cities (the head of territorial administration of Rosimushchestvo Anton Kozlov, Oleg Adolf, Fomenko Irina Ibragimov, HAPCO and others) organized criminal harassment (criminal harassment) and harassment over stolen real property (to the extent that kicked innocent children RRT with guns and bailiffs on the street in winter; pursue in the future, beaten, attacked, wring their hands, inflict blows, beat boots on the toes, chin and over the head, handcuffed; an elderly man thrown into the street of the apartment as a thing; an elderly man shoots himself in the chest with a nail gun and into the intensive care unit), threaten the health and lives of law-abiding citizens. Looks incredible, but also by public servants, employees of the state apparatus, courts and Prosecutor's office of Surgut and Khanty, and whose professional duties include the guarding and protection of the rights and freedoms of the honest citizens of the city of Surgut, is planned at all levels organized by the policy of cruel persecution, persecution, all sorts of humiliation, persecution, moral and physical destruction.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:38:38

My daughter Irina Filippova graduated from high school № 1 in the city of Surgut with a silver medal in 1987. In the same year he entered the Krasnodar state University and at the end received specialty "engineer-mathematician-programmer". Received the second higher education in Academy of Entrepreneurship under Government of Moscow on a speciality "financier". 18 years working in the banking system. From the materials of the criminal case initiated in 2012. I came to the logical conclusion that within the County operating a criminal group, consisting of fighters, which over 6 years is engaged in illegal sale of property of debtors through UFSSP KHMAO - sold 118 apartments worth 600 million rubles, is dead. To officially pursue a criminal case there is no way - they have a very strong support of pogonnikov - i.e. "werewolves in epaulets". Entwined in corruption ecstasy "werewolves in uniform" and "black realtors". In the village of Sochi is living the thug Zaga, before which SAG "werewolves in epaulets". In the city of Surgut is home to bandits Arsene of Ustarkhanov and Selimov – roommate mediator Zien associated with the bailiffs Ibragimov and HAPCO.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:37:51

13 may 2015, a group of bailiffs with guns in bulletproof vests broke down the door at Fedorova str 69, room 201. The apartment slept grandson Alexander. Officers attacked him and started to beat boots on the toes, and chin. Put it on the floor and beaten with boots to the head. Then handcuffed. His ambulance was recorded the traces of handcuffs on her wrists and a concussion. A crowd of brutal fellow in armor with weapons, with iron-shod boots against a young man. My grandson is a young man, he must have a whole life ahead of him. But how can you be so cruel bespredelnichat, beating the young man. The child is innocent. It turns out that all protecting a fraud Zien, which, in their words, "a man of system." As I understand it, the system of corruption. And my daughter and grandchildren dropped from this system and to humiliate, beat, persecute and even kill? Me, an old woman, the officers twisted his hands, laughed and cynically mocked. Grabbed by the arms and bruised. They pushed me into the street, I fell and lost consciousness. Neighbors called SMP. I provided medical care and offered to go to the hospital. But I refused, as was afraid for the life of my daughter and grandchildren.
In 2014, Marshal Ibragimov was held in the building of UTS in the city of Surgut daughter Irina Philippi for 2 hours and mistreated her. Surgut drowned in corruption and lawlessness. The great mass of government officials and security forces crime fed by subject population and the saws budget. This and only this is their only daily interest. Clearly and smoothly running SYSTEM of corruption in Surgut.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:37:12

To get to the wheel of the greed of those in power – that you can actually die — from fear, from grief, from heartache, from the horrors happening on innocent children.
21 Dec 2013, Zien Irina with "werewolves in epaulets" came to the apartment of my daughter and threatened to come at night and kill her sons. In the presence of police officers. She said: "I Have six apartments, I'm going to pass, and your apartment will live. I have money like shit. I'm in jail do not want to sit". Brother Zien Irina, Almukhametov, beat grandson.
The nauskivanie Zien, the school was beaten grandson Andrew. He injured his chest. Beat under the heart and spleen. The child each year undergoing treatment in a hospital in Surgut.
February 24, 2015, at the grandson of Andrew attacked and wringing his hands the bailiff Khaliullin.
March 10, 2015, a group of unidentified 2 hours banging on the apartment door.
March 13, 2015 my daughter was attacked by two unknown, they wringing her hands and caused injuries. Daughter has removed a beating.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:35:55

In order for our "brave" police have opened a criminal case against a fictitious sale of the apartment of my daughter and forgery in the office of a bailiff HAPCO Irina together with bum Nikulin, who is in Federal search, and no one wants to look for him, because he needed to carry out criminal operations with mortgage apartments, Surgut, the police received a bribe. But is it possible to put a price on the care of children? It says that we have no social security, there is social surveillance and the destruction of families, their equating cattle, kicks like shit – cornered, terrorize, force to leave the city aimlessly and, God forbid, to kill herself. We speak nice words about the protection of motherhood and childhood, assistance to orphans, and criminals, quietly, with acceleration stuff their pockets due to the fact that grind in a meat grinder of greed and profiteering of innocent children. This crime is beyond human understanding. Greed has blinded their eyes and respect for motherhood and childhood they are not interested. It's scary. All set for the "birds". Prosperous rich and the poor or vulnerable — this can be ground and classified as "refuseniks" caught in the cycle of the system of bribery. I'm not in vain called the February 13, 2013 "Crystal frosty day" by comparing this crime with the "Crystal night" in November 1938, when Nazis smashed and looted shops of Jews in Germany and on the same night, killed 90 people, the Jews. We have the same thing happens. I'm a widow, no protection, daughter alone with two kids, too. Us they can all just kill for the sake of apartments. All go for the sake of profit. I'm almost to the light, and how the daughter and grandchildren? What will happen to them? I'm ready to go to the square to the FSSP and to set fire to himself in protest against the doers of lawlessness in Surgut on illegal eviction my daughter and grandchildren from their apartments. To get to the wheel of the greed of those in power – that you can actually die — from fear, from grief, from heartach

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:34:51

Save my family from lawlessness, which since 2012 we are exposed to organized crime officials, security forces and "black realtors". Help my innocent grandchildren. In Surgut a big way acts lured the criminal group "untouchables", which is at the expense of innocent children fills his pockets. 13 Feb 2013 when my daughter was in the hospital with a hypertensive crisis, the bailiffs, the Nazis and the RRT, composed of 8 people with guns, sent by Oleg Adolf of KHMAO, drove my innocent grandchildren from their apartments as criminals. Criminals from the Treasury allocated money that was allegedly carried out fictitious trades, in the office of bailiff HAPCO Irina faked Protocol of the trade, the homeless Nikulin signed, divided the money, the police to open a criminal investigation and denied my daughter the judge Galina Ludanay 2000000 rubles, which went on vacation with the subsequent dismissal (estimated life of each of my grandson of one million rubles), the Prosecutor's office, the Federal property management Agency, bailiffs, DAEC, utilities, service and guardianship. February 24, 2013 officers went to the apartment, all belongings, furniture, valuables, which the daughter earned in 20 years of work, ruthlessly broke off to "Tajik" nodes and taken to cold storage. The apartment was paid for, and the money divided. On the bogus trades, forged documents sold in a quiet apartment of the daughter, she did not know about it. I am a mother, grandmother, me 71 year. I have worked 52 years. Stole the money paid in the sum of 1750000 rubles, the initial contribution in the amount of 820 thousand rubles and two apartments. A gross violation of the Constitution in relation to my daughter and grandchildren.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:33:57

3.To give me back the cash equivalent of the cost of a leather sofa I bought my daughter's apartment 63000 rubles.
4. To give me back the cash equivalent of permanent improvements to the apartment 222000 rubles.
5. To reimburse me for moral and physical harm caused me, an elderly person, service of UFSSP KHMAO-Yugra in the amount of 500,000 rubles. Previously filed my appeal for reimbursement to me moral, material and physical harm to the bailiffs of the city of Surgut 13 may 2015 response to my address was not sent. On the results of public Prosecutor's check about the report sent to Prosecutor L. A. Balina I know nothing. Although the employee of Prosecutor's office contacted me by phone in 2015 in the month of may said that the reports were filed, but, strangely, these virtual report sank into oblivion.
13 november 2017 Momot Tetiana.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:33:03

01 December 2016 the Department of social protection in the city of Surgut and Surgut district (minutes of meeting No. 47) my life situation is deemed extreme and I provided one-time financial support for the purchase of the bed and bedding.
Introduced a bill to the State Duma about the integrity of food upon leaving.
The introduction of the institution of independent prosecutors, which will provide assistance to citizens from the inaction of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors.
Today, the property is not removed the encumbrance, the loan agreement is not terminated, the termination of the credit agreement in a judicial proceeding is not made, the credit contract is valid until 2037 and the owner of the mortgage is not changed.
Based on the foregoing, the Prosecutor of Surgut Balina L. A. I asked:
1.To give me back the cash equivalent of the cost of my coach two-bedroom apartments 1500000 rubles.
2.To reimburse me the cash equivalent value built furniture, bought daughters apartment 165000 rubles.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:32:22

13 Feb 2013 in "Crystal frosty day" innocent children rapid response team composed of 8 people with guns and a group of bailiffs ossp city of Surgut, headed by the bailiff Fomenko Irina at the direction of chief bailiff of UFSSP of Oleg Adolf as criminals kicked out into the cold in the buff. It is a crime.
Apartment daughter stolen by OPG of Surgut. The investigation established that there were no trades and the trading Protocol tampered with.
The judge's decision Gavrilenko wrong in relation to debt recovery and realization of collateral.
The theme of the OPS is well supported by officials and security forces at the level of Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk. OPS is a very long time and there is a lot of money due to the fact that mortgage holders, and not only deliberately allowed the world, being bullied, cornered, dipped to a miserable existence, vilify and do not give to get a job.
In the daughter's apartment on an area of 70 m2 living Ismagilova, friends Zien I. Z. and her brother Almuhametov Rishat, previously brought under article 228 of the criminal code "drug trafficking".
In my apartment, earned by my late husband in 1981, highlighted BY "Surgutgazprom", an area of 28.4 square meters on the street Lenina, 34, kV. 86 there are 7 people based 4,0057 m2 per person. I have an old man, no bed.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:31:38

Transfer of rights under the mortgage certificate is a registration endorsement indicating a new owner (transfer of rights under a mortgage on Zien Irina Zainullina and design endorsement indicating a new owner Zien Irina Zainullina not carried out), and also the agreement of purchase and sale of mortgage (a contract of assignment of rights under the mortgage contract of purchase and sale of the mortgage to the assignment of rights Zien Irina Zinurova not processed) and by the act of transfer and acceptance (such acceptance of the transfer was not made). For the borrower on a mortgage loan, apply for a mortgage on his apartment, transfer a mortgage to another person or the sale by the Bank ("kit Finance Capital is not a Bank and the collection Agency) have no consequences. Customer of the Bank ("kit Finance Capital is not a Bank, and a limited liability company) is notified that a mortgage on his apartment transferred to another person, but the terms of the loan agreement or pledge agreement are the borrower pays on the same schedule of payments, but to another account, specified in the notice.
Daughter and grandson were issued in may 2013 and still not registered anywhere.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:31:01

I can not touch the violated rights of my daughter and grandchildren - nobody can deny my daughter the RIGHT of ownership of the apartment. The mortgage the apartment is at the collectors, OOO "kit Finance Capital" in the name Filippova Irina anatolevny and still accrual of fines and penalties in the amount of 5900 rubles. Daughter with collectors contract is not concluded. Also, what is the most important fact of what is happening crimes against the deprivation of the right of ownership of the apartment to my daughter that from the reports of the Central Bank of Russia, it follows that the collection Agency OOO "kit Finance Capital" is no license to conduct transactions with securities. Mortgage is a registered security that entitles its legitimate holder the right to receive performance under the monetary obligation secured by the mortgage without providing any other evidence of the existence of this obligation. The mortgage contains a brief description of the credit agreement and pledge agreement which is signed by the mortgagor – owner of the apartment or the debtor under the credit agreement (if more than one person). The original mortgage is given the mortgagee body carrying out state registration of mortgage, after registration. In consequence of the Bank ("kit Finance Capital" is not a Bank and the collection Agency) – the original mortgage holder – can it (in other words, the loan) to sell or assign her rights to any person. But as "kit Finance Capital" is not a Bank and the collection Agency, then he had no right to sell or assign her rights to any person.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:30:03

As for my rights violated, I want to emphasize that robbed me and my late husband in the dashing 90-e years, have relied on my daughter and grandchildren. My late husband had savings, which we made in the amount of 41,000 rubles, which the late Minister of Finance of the USSR Pavlov turned into nothing.
In 2001, my late husband sold earned them an apartment in the city of Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar territory, Tikhoretsk, Kalinina str., 124, area 67 and received for the sale of the money invested in the renovation of the apartment of the daughter on street, building 69, room 201.
Organized crime in the city of Surgut and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous raiding by illegally stole the apartment on the street, building 69, room 201. Moreover, if the eviction were continuous violations of the law and fascist schools. Stole two apartments, 820 thousand rubles initial payment, 1750 thousand rubles paid money.
I worked until March 17, 2016 and received a pension and all these years, helped her daughter in the arrangement of her apartment. When the apartment was purchased in 1999 by her daughter and her ex-husband, it was a barn. I have 52 years of experience, I am a veteran of labor, awarded the medal "For many years of diligent work".

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:29:15

However, the reservoir has a self-regulatory body, the competence of which is the analysis of those conflicting, sometimes terrible in its the criminal element of the facts throughout the country, which is an almost undisguised terror over the citizens. But here we need to understand – all these initiatives were carried before the internal corporate and voluntary. Now the state itself is taken seriously monitor their compliance with the Russian legislation. With the roster, work to restore order in this sphere will be strengthened. And it is necessary, not least in terms of overcoming the legal illiteracy of citizens is a potential debtors. The fact that the "old" credit debt of physical persons by the Bank, usually sold to a collection Agency. And with incredible interest - in fact, in multiple proportions. However, earlier on the side caught in a bad situation of the citizen was the law – need not to panic, and to investigate: first, whether the collectors the agreement with the Bank, and, secondly, why don't they go to court, resorting to fear mongering to the debtor all possible and impossible ways. What they are trying to avoid dealing with the conflict in the courts, motivated by the fact that the amounts which they extort from man, far removed from the reality of debt. It is clear that the trial is absolutely not beneficial to collectors. Because often the debts transferred to them from banks, are past the Statute of limitations on the claim. In addition, since the reference to the court stops the growth of interest and penalties. And on the basis of the counter claim of the citizen by the court may be deducted all previously unduly accrued to the debtor from collectors. The debtors have a chance to more calmly deal with your creditors.

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:27:29

." In addition, lenders - banks and MFIs - hiring practiced essentially by unauthorized persons - individuals on a contract that often led to openly criminal methods of collection. Accordingly, it is the Law that applies to collectors, is good because it is forbidden to engage in sanctions to individuals and legal entities not included in the registry. This measure is very timely, but overdue, because for more than one year in society and the expert community there are active discussions on how to streamline the work of collectors. In particular, insistently demands to prohibit any military pressure on citizens, which is in debt to the banks and to limit the psychological pressure on them. According to official statistics, which is publicly available and formed the basis of the information of the bailiff service in Russia, are not fulfilled the court decision of an order up to 80%. The next stage activities of the collectors they infiltrated virtually all communication systems, this process quickly formalized; and now, almost any phone or Internet company, there is such a unit. In all such actions are viewed clear signs of violations of the rights of citizens, and in order to create an end to such vicious practices, and developed all the measures stipulated in the Decree of the President. The first step in this direction is the establishment of a register. It should set out clearly information on: the exact number of these companies share Fund what is each of them who their founders. The registry will also solve one more important problem – more thorough personnel selection personnel. It is no secret that the reservoir structures were mostly fired for various reasons, employees-law enforcement, security companies, and often individuals with criminal records and, therefore, with the same mentality and manners to communicate with people. That is, your first "illegal" robbery they have made it a profitable profession. However, the reservoir has a self-regulatory body, the competence of which is the analysis of those

Татьяна-Ивановна Момот 2017-11-14 02:25:43

Dear friends! Help my family to be saved from lawlessness to which we are exposed from 2012 to the present. Hear the pain of my heart HELP.
I would emphasize the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the treatment of the traditional annual address to the Federal Assembly, in which he focused on the fight against corruption. As noted by Vladimir Putin, position and past achievements can not be a cover. "No high position, no connection can't be protected for dishonest representatives of the authorities". In addition, Putin stressed that the fight against corruption is not a show, it requires professionalism. "Only then will it get proper assessment from citizens," the President added. I think it is extremely important to emphasize that the case of the acting head of the "T" the Central Board of anti-corruption (Guebipk) of the MIA of Russia of Dmitry Zakharchenko, who was arrested for a bribe, clearly revealed the fact that the fight against corruption is consistent and uncompromising. This was stated press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. He said: "it is clear that the fight against corruption is a very complex process, very arduous process, very complex, but in this case the leadership of the country shows a completely consistent policy in the field of fight against corruption. At the end of December 2016 was signed a presidential Decree, according to which collection firms not entered in a special register to be outside the legal field. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation and Federal law No. 230-FZ "On protection of rights and legitimate interests of individuals with the implementation of overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal law "About microfinance performance and microfinance organizations" strictly reglementiert work claimants duty. A special place in the document is the prohibition "to use physical force or threaten the use of" and "to cause harm to health and property, to resort to psychological pressure or to enter the debtor in error." In addition, lend

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