
О знаменитости

Флавий Ардавур Аспар: биография

Аспар в литературе

Пьер Корнель трагедия «Пульхерия» (Pulch?rie) 1672

Бернар Ле Бовье де Фонтенель трагедия «Аспар» (Aspar) 1680

Список источников и сокращений

Anton. V. Sym. Antoninus, Vita S. Symeonis Stylitae (ed. H. Lietzmann, in Texte und Untersuchungen 32; 1908)

CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum

CJ Codex Iustinianus (ed. P. Krueger; 1877)

Candidus Candidus, fragments (ed. C. Mueller, in FHG IV, = Phot. Bibl. 79)

Cass. chron. Cassiodorus, Chronicle (ed. Th. Mommsen, in MGH (AA) XI (1894)

Cedr. Georgius Cedrenus Historiarum Compendium (ed. I. Bekker; 1838—1839)

Chron. Pasch. Cronicon Paschale (ed. L. Dindorf; 1832)

Const. Porph. de. cer. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De ceremoniis aulae Byzantinae (ed. JJ Reiske; 1829—1830)

D H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (1892—1916)

Dam. Epit. Phot. Damascius Epitome Photiana (see Dam. V. Isid.)

Dam. fr. Damascius, fragments (see Dam. V. Isid.)

Dam. V. Isid. Damascius Vita Isidori; the remains edited by Cl. Zintzen (1967). Cited as either Dam. Epit. Phot. (for left-hand pages) or Dam. fr. (for right-hand pages, of Zintzen’s edition)

Evagr. HE Evagrius Ecclesiastical History (ed. J. Bidez and L. Parmentier; 1898)

Exc. de ins. Exerpta Historica iussu imperatoris Constantini Porphyrogeniti confecta IV, de insidiis (ed. C. de Boor; 1905)

FHG Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (ed. C. Mueller; vol. IV, 1851; vol. V, 1870)

Greg. Tur. HF Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum

Hyd. Lem. Hydatius Lemicensis, Chronicon (ed. Th. Mommsen, in MGH (AA) XI (1894); also ed. A. Tranoy, in Sources Chr?tiennes 218 (1974))

IGLS L. Jalabert and R. Mouterde, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (1929-)

ILCV E. Diehl, Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres (1925- 1931)

Joh. Ant. fr. John of Antioch, fragments (ed. C. Mueller, in FHG IV and V (1851, 1870); also ed. C. de Boor, in Exc. de ins.)

Joh. Mal. John Malalas, Chronographia (ed. L. Dindorf; 1831)

Joh. Mal. fr. John Malalas, fragments (ed. C. de Boor, in Exc. de ins.)

Jord. Get.. Jordanes Getica

Jord. Rom. Jordanes Romana

Leo, Ep. Pope Leo I, Epistulae (in PL 54; also ed. Ed. Schwartz in ACOec. II 4 (1932))

MGH (AA) Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Auctores Antiquissimi)

Malch. Malchus of Philadelphia, fragments (ed. C. Mueller, in FHG IV)

Marcell. com. Marcellinus comes, Chronicle (ed. Th. Mommsen, in MGH (AA) XI; 1894)

Mich. Syr. Michael the Syrian, Chronicle (ed. and. trans. J. B. Chabot; 1899—1924)

Nic. Call. HE Nicephorus Callistus, Historia Ecclesiastica (in PG 145-7)

Not. Dig. Or. Notitia Dignitatum, pars Orientalis

Nov. Theod. Theodosius II, Novellae (ed. P. Meyer and Th. Mommsen; 1905)

Olymp. fr. Olympiodorus of Thebes, fragments (ed. C. Mueller, in FHG IV)

PG J. P. Minge, Patrologia Graeca

Philost. Philostorgius, Historia Ecclesiastica (ed. J. Bidez, in Gr. Schr. 21; 1913)

Phot. Bibl. Photius, Bibliotheca (ed. I. Bekker, in PG 103-4)

Prisc. fr. Priscus of Panium, fragments (ed. C. Mueller, in FHG IV and V; also ed. C. de Boor, in Exc. de leg.)

Proc. BV Procopius of Caesaria, de bello Vandalico

Prosp. Tiro Prosper Tiro, Chronicle (ed. Th. Mommsen, in MGH (AA) IX; (1892)

Ps.-Dion. Chron. Chronicon Pseudo-Dionysianum vulgo dictum (ed. and trans. J. B. Chabot, in CSCO(Scr. Syr.); vol. I = Scr. Syr. 43 (text), 66 (trans); vol. II = Scr. Syr. 53 (text) (no trans.)



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